About responding to messages

When you receive a message in Microsoft Outlook Express, you can respond to it in a number of ways. You can reply exclusively to the sender of the message, or you can reply to the other people who received the message, as well as the sender. You can also forward a message to someone else, or you can redirect it. When you redirect a message instead of forwarding it, the name of the original sender appears in the From box, and your name does not appear in the message at all.

When you reply to a message, you can choose whether and where to include the text of the original message, and how to attribute the message to its original author.

When you open a message or view it in the Preview pane, an Info Bar at the top of the message tells you when and how you responded to the message, as well as other information about its history. For example, if you replied to a message, the Info Bar tells you when you replied, and provides a link so that you can open the reply that you sent. If you responded to the message in multiple ways, for example, replying and forwarding the message, a History link appears in the Info Bar so that you can view details about the history of the message.

You can also tell whether you responded to a message by checking the symbol that appears in the Message Status column in the Message list. This symbol indicates the status of the message.

Replying to a message

Forwarding a message

Redirecting a message

About original message text in replies

About replying to mailing list messages


Reply to a message

  1. In the Message list, click or open the message you want to reply to.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Add any additional recipients to the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes.
  4. In the text box, type your message.
  5. Send the message.

Tip If you are replying to a message that has formatting that is hard to read, such as hard carriage returns and all capital letters, you can use Auto Text Cleanup tools to clean up formatting in the message before you reply to it. In the open message, point to Auto Text Cleanup on the Edit menu, and then click the tool you want to apply.

Redirecting a message

Controlling the appearance of replies

About original message text in replies

Addressing a message

Formatting a message with Auto Text Cleanup

About replying to mailing list messages

Saving an unfinished message


Forward a message

  1. In the Message list, click or open the message you want to forward.
  2. Click Forward.
  3. Address the message.
  4. In the text box, type your message.
  5. Send the message.

Tip To include an angled bracket (>) before each line of text in messages that you forward, click Preferences on the Edit menu. On the Compose tab, under Reply & Forward, select the Use quoting characters when forwarding check box.
Tip If you are forwarding a message that has formatting that is hard to read, such as hard carriage returns and all capital letters, you can use Auto Text Cleanup tools to clean up formatting in the message before you forward it. In the open message, point to Auto Text Cleanup on the Edit menu, and then click the tool you want to apply.

Redirecting a message

About quoting

Formatting a message with Auto Text Cleanup

About responding to messages

Saving an unfinished message


Redirect a message

  1. In the Message list, click or open the message you want to redirect.
  2. On the Message menu, click Redirect.
  3. Address the message.
  4. Send the message.

Note You cannot change the subject or body of a redirected message.

Forwarding a message

About responding to messages

Saving an unfinished message


About original message text in replies

When you reply to a message, the original message text is included in your reply by default. You can choose how to position the original message, or not to include it at all, by selecting the options you want in the Preferences dialog box.

When messages are replied to and forwarded a number of times, it sometimes becomes difficult to determine who wrote the original message and any subsequent replies or comments. If you decide to position quoted text below the message you type, you can also include an attribution line to indicate the original author's name.

Controlling the appearance of replies

Attributing text to previous authors

About quoting


Control the appearance of replies

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Click the Compose tab.
  3. Under Reply & Forward, do one of the following:

Tip You can also quote part of the original message text in your reply, instead of including all of the original message text. Open the message you want to reply to, select the text you want to quote in your reply, and then click Reply.

About original message text in replies

Attributing text to previous authors

About quoting


Attribute text to previous authors

  1. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Click the Compose tab.
  3. Under Reply & Forward, click Place insertion point after quoted text.
  4. Select the Prefix my mail reply with check box.
  5. To change the default attribution line, edit the attribution line in the Prefix my mail reply with box.

Tip A reply to a news message always includes an attribution line, unless you delete it manually. You can change the default attribution line by editing the attribution line in the Prefix my news reply with box.

About original message text in replies

Controlling the appearance of replies
